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Home » Flowering House Plant Top Picks – House Plants Guide

Flowering House Plant Top Picks – House Plants Guide

by Elyssa Goins
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Flowering house plants have become increasingly popular over the last few decades and it’s easy to see why. Watching the beginning of flowers bloom and the colorfulness the plant brings to a room is uplifting for the spirit and adds to the room’s attractiveness…

Rose of China

Rose of China – Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

The Hibiscus rosa-sinensis has the common name of Rose of China and originated in China. The flowers only last a couple of days, but they do bloom more than once – between spring and fall. The flowers are a kind of trumpet shape and bright in color. These are fairly easy to care for but need plenty of light.

Flowing Maple

Flowering Maple – Abutilon Hybridum

This plant gets its name from the maple-shaped sycamore leaves and not because it’s a maple tree-type plant. The maple is a fast-growing plant that grows up to 5ft tall like a tree. Bell-shaped flowers bloom in various colors including pink, red, yellow, and orange. Light is something they love and need to grow well.

Flamingo Flower

Flamingo Flower – Anthurium Scherzerianum

The Flamingo flower blooms outstanding wax effect flowers with a kind of pig’s curly orange tail that grows from the stalk through the flower. Although these tropical plants are beautiful they are quite difficult to care for compared to other types. These are a poisonous type of plant, best kept away from pets and kids.

Kaffir Lily

Kaffir Lily – Clivia Miniata

The Kaffir lily is a flowering house plant that blooms beautiful orange (my favorite), red-yellow, and cream flowers, in clusters of more than 10. These are fairly easy to care for, however, they may not bloom if not cared for correctly. It’s a must to understand the Kaffir’s needs and then they’re easy enough to maintain while producing flowers.

Flaming Katy

Flaming Katy – Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana

The Flaming katy is a succulent plant that’s part of the Kalanchoe genus. This plant is one of the most popular from this genus that naturally flowers in spring, although growers are able to have it blossoming at any time of the year. These have fleshy leaves that grow to approximately 2 inches long and flowers that bloom, tubular shaped.

Lollipop Plant

Lollipop Plant – Pachystachys Lutea

The beautifully cone-shaped yellow-colored bract (more of a golden color) and white protruding blooms, make this a very attractive flowering house plant choice. These have a long flowering season that gives them another reason to be attractive to those wanting a flowering indoor plant. The lollipop plant grows up to about 1.5 ft.

Bird of Paradise

Bird Of Paradise – Strelitzia Reginae

The strelitzia reginae (scientific name) is one of the most spectacular flowering plants that can be grown indoors, with the correct conditions provided. The plant grows to over 6 feet tall and is designed to fully support the weight of birds who stop to eat the nectar when grown outdoors. Flowering occurs multiple times a year if the plant is well taken care of.

Zebra Plant

Zebra Plant – Aphelandra Squarrosa

The zebra plant grows well indoors when given the correct care and conditions. However, it is quite a temperamental species and can easily lose its leaves and becomes leggy – without the proper care it needs. I thought I would mention where it may be best for you to place and display your Zebra plant because the conditions it needs are quite strict once it has flowered.

Moth Orchid

Moth Orchid – Phalaenopsis

The moth orchid is a popular indoor plant from the orchidaceae family displaying lots of attractive flower color choices. These flowers last for up to 3 months before the next bloom. Growers need to be mindful of some of the care conditions for phalaenopsis plants to grow well, including 10 hours or more light and warm temperatures. Growing up to 2 feet tall, this species is an eye-catcher.

Florist Cyclamen

Florist Cyclamen – Cyclamen Persicum

This cyclamen is also known as the florist cyclamen because it’s sold to florists throughout the West to be grown indoors. This species is a flowering pot plant that most growers throw away after the flowering period, although they can be stored during dormancy to grow and re-flower the following year. The foliage grows very compact and is just as attractive as the colorful flowers.

Ornamental Pepper Plant

Ornamental Pepper Plant – Capsicum Annuum

The ornamental pepper plant is grown indoors as a flowering pot plant that’s usually tossed out once the fruit dies down. The fruit is the main attraction to this species rather than the small star-shaped flowers or foliage. While the peppers are edible – for most people in the West they’re way too hot and lack something other than heat. There are many varieties with colorful fruits and various shapes.

Madagascar Jasmine

Madagascar Jasmine – Stephanotis Floribunda

The Madagascar jasmine is a great-looking climbing vine for indoors and displays not only beautiful fragrant blooms but attractive large leathery leaves as well. It’s commonly sold as a wreath or bouquet of flowers for weddings and grown outdoors or as a house plant. It’s not the easiest of plants to maintain and needs attention paid to its need for warmth, sunlight, and humidity.

Barberton Daisy

Barberton Daisy – Gerbera Jamesonii

An extremely attractive and popular flowering pot plant that is a perennial but treated as an annual in temperate regions and indoors. Warm indoor temperatures and good sunlight help encourage blooms to last long. The flowers are so attractive they’re used in wedding bouquets and other decorative purposes. Buy just before or at the beginning of spring.

Poison Primrose

Poison Primrose – Primula Obconica

Another winter and early spring bloomer is worth picking up from the local garden center for its attractive flowers that sit at the top of tall stalks. The Primula obconica gets its common name of Poison primrose because of the plant causes skin irritation for those with sensitive skin. A tender perennial, although indoors it is also used as an annual.

Eternal Flame

Eternal Flame – Calathea Crocata

From the Calathea genus, this species native to Brazil is one of the only ones grown for its flowering habit. Most are grown for their foliage, although the leaves are still attractive on this plant. High humidity and warm temperatures are required to grow this plant well. The color of the bract gives this plant its common name of Eternal Flame.

Corsage - Cattleya Orchid

Corsage – Cattleya Orchid

Cattleya is a genus of over 100 orchids displaying the most attractive flowers in a variety of colors. Plenty of light and warm temperatures keep these plants thriving. Add two or three varieties together seated on a desktop or windowsill within a room and watch the colors brighten up that space perfectly.

Lycaste Orchid

Lycaste Orchid

Lycaste is a genus of orchid flowering plants that deserve a mention and can be grown indoors without too many problems. There are over 30 varieties displaying three petals and three sepals. The flowers are around 2-3 inches in size and they grow in different colors with amazing fragrances such as lemon scents and cinnamon.

Slipper Orchid - Paphiopedilum

Slipper Orchid – Paphiopedilum

The Paphiopedilum is a large genus of orchids with over 80 species and many hybrids. This orchid is very popular in homes because it’s much easier to grow and maintain compared to others. Named the slipper orchid because of its unique flower head containing a pouch within the center. There are books written just for this genus of plants.

Angel Wing Begonia

Angel Wing Begonia – Begonia Coccinea

The Angel Wing Begonia is one of the most popular species from the large Begonia genus of plants. The flowers are quite small and bloom, which form in clusters, bright red to light pink in color. The name given to this plant (Angel Wings) is because of the wing-shaped leaves.



  • Know what time of the year flowers bloom and how often, to ensure you see flowers blooming, when you want.
  • Many flowering types need more light than foliage type, which enables them to bloom.
  • They can also make a little more mess from petals/flowers falling.
  • There are two main types that bloom which are pot and house plants. A pot plant type (also known as gift plant) is usually for display purposes while the flowers are in bloom and then it can die, bloom the following year only – or be placed in a greenhouse unable to flower. Check with the shop or here to find out if the plant is a pot or house type, and how to care for them.

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